Walking Away from Lies into Truth


My friend, Bethany illustrates the power of messages.

Harsh, abusive, and inaccurate voices from childhood trauma.

Wise, mature, and kind messages, which pointed her toward restoration and wholeness.

Sorting through an assortment of conflicting and confusing messages is messy business!

Every time I hear the group, Casting Crowns, sing, The Voice of Truth. I realize my head is nodding in agreement with the lyrics. Sometimes, it feels as if a cacophony of messages is hollering at me from every which way—entertainment, social media, politics, education, religion, family, the workplace—even messages that come from within me.

I’ve heard it takes nine positive messages to counteract every negative one. Speaking words filled with grace, mercy, encouragement, and love requires a lot of intentionality.

Trying to sort out truth is often confusing and frustrating. Some points to consider: 

·     Voices of shame and inadequacy often originate in childhood. Some may have been cruel or abusive. Other voices spoke unwise, dismissive, inconsiderate, or careless words. Some took root and grew in our impressionable childhood or insecure adolescent souls.

·      Many of life’s issues don’t have a quick and easy fix. Healing occurs one layer at a time. It will probably take a while before truth overtakes lies.

·      Support will be essential. A course of healing may include:

o   Professional therapy.

o   Medical assistance since deep emotional wounds often manifest with physical symptoms.

o   Trustworthy spiritual companions.

o   Inspirational stories of not only survivors but ‘thrivers.’

o   Support groups.

o   Wellness programs dealing with important issues such as diet, exercise, and stress management.

·      Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, victims must replace lying, screeching voices with gentle, truth-filled, life-giving “I am…” affirmations. The most powerful voices in my life have come from pages of scripture, and I will always point people in that direction. Many great suggestions can be found by doing an internet search: “Who I am to God… or Who I am in Christ…”  Romans 8:37 is a great place to begin:  “…we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

I’m praying God will help each of us hear and believe messages of truth…

                        Sue Reeve

Blessings on your Journey…



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