Transition – A Good Time to Grow Trust

Psalm 25 (NLT)

A psalm of David.

O Lord, I give my life to you.
    I trust in you, my God!
Do not let me be disgraced,
    or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat.
No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced,
    but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Show me the right path, O Lord;
    point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me,
    for you are the God who saves me.
    All day long I put my hope in you.

In my Monday Morning Meditation, I mentioned feedback received from readers sharing the word they believe was meant to guide them through 2024. There were some great words, but the most common one was TRUST.

Although my word for 2024 is DISCOVER, I often return to the word TRUST because it feels as if during every stage of my journey with Jesus, I have been challenged in a variety of ways with TRUST. During such times, I have often returned to Psalm 25, a psalm of David, in which he pours his heart out to God about TRUST during a difficult time.

My friend, guest blog contributor, and webmaster for Listening on the Journey …, Stephen Robinson, said that after struggling to determine his word for the year, he too realized the Lord was challenging him to consider TRUST. Stephen gave permission to share some of his thoughts with you today. I have asked him to report back about what he is learning about TRUST in a guest post sometime in February or March.

Stephen Writes:

This morning, as I was spending time studying from the Chronological Bible, which I am using this year in my devotional reading, I felt the struggle about not having a defining word yet for 2024. While writing in my journal, these words from Genesis 3:1 caught my attention: "Did God really say …" The Serpent used these four words as he was tempting Adam and Eve NOT to TRUST in God’s instructions, but instead, eat from the Tree of Knowledge. As I read them, I realized my word for 2024 needed to be TRUST.

I felt the Lord saying, "Why don't you TRUST me with your job?" "I know you feel safe in your fancy new truck, but why don't you feel safe in My promises?" "I know you find Joy in your finances, which are from Me, but why don't you have the same TRUST in Me that you have in your finances?"

It's not easy to admit, but I took some issue with God about this. After all, I have been following Jesus almost my whole life! I’m going to turn 50 in 2024, so I am too old for this!

            Right? I shouldn't need to focus on TRUST for a whole year!

            Wrong! The word TRUST wouldn’t go away! 

Life seems pretty out of control as this new year begins. So much is happening. One daughter is getting married in three short weeks. Another daughter’s wedding may be on the horizon. Our “baby” graduates in June. Plus, I’m turning 39+11!

it's a LOT right now!

So much in my life is good. God has been more than generous to me in so many ways. I am grateful and do not take His good gifts for granted. I try to be faithful and obedient. But, I find myself asking, do I really TRUST in the Lord with my whole heart?

Perhaps it’s time to examine some of these things, to get honest about my level of TRUST.  I don’t want to let Satan lead me astray with the minimizing words, “Stephen, did God REALLY say …?” No, I think I need to pray about this so a lack of honesty about my level of TRUST doesn’t keep coming at me!


Sue: Thanks, Stephen, for your vulnerability about the need to be honest with God concerning your level of trust during the upcoming year when you will be confronted with lots of significant life changes!

Blessings to all of us as we grow in TRUST!


Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation 


Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation