Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation 



And the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you little by little; you will be unable to destroy them at once, lest the beasts of the field become too numerous for you."

Deuteronomy 7:22 (NKJV)



You know this deepest desire of my heart.

You recognize how long and earnestly I have been praying.

You understand the doubt and discouragement that seeps into my soul.

Please give me courage to keep asking you to intervene in the way I know only you are able.

Please help me to recognize and rejoice in every bit of hope.




A friend texted, asking me to pray for her. We have prayed together for several years about a longtime difficult family situation. Her text expressed hopefulness. She rejoiced with what seemed to be a “bit of a breakthrough.” I assured her I would pray, adding, “Enjoy those sweet little bits!’”

My friend’s text reminded me of Deuteronomy 7:22, sometimes called God’s “little by little” principle.

A  brief backstory: The Children of Israel spent four hundred years enslaved in Egypt. A miraculous, yet harrowing exodus led them out of Egypt. Then, they found themselves for the next 40 years wandering in a desert. Each step of the way, despite overwhelming disappointments and discouragements, the nation experienced “bits” of God’s goodness and faithfulness, and their hope remained alive.

Now, the time had arrived for them to enter the nebulous but deeply desired “Promised Land,” a region like no other, one “flowing with milk and honey!”

An entire nation had been navigating difficult situations for a very long time, and like my friend, they longed for something better. But, prior to reaching this land, God decreed this must be accomplished “little by little.” To do otherwise, the nation would be left vulnerable and overwhelmed.

Fast forwarding to the 21st century. We who are followers of Jesus, long to experience what Paul declares in Romans 8:28 as “all things working together for good.” We believe God’s goodness is promised and despite dire and seemingly unchanging circumstances, little “bits” along the way keep the flame of hope kindled.

For me, realizing the significance of the following verse 29 in Romans 8 provides valuable insight into this process:  “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son …” 

The process of looking more and more like Jesus is generally a s-l-o-w journey, which occurs as it did for the nation of Israel so many thousands of years ago.

Little by little!


Reflection Question:

What prayer have you been asking God to answer for a very long time? How might the “little by little” principle of Deuteronomy keep hope alive, protect you from discouragement, and give you courage to keep persevering?

Blessings on your meditations this Monday!


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