Recognize Resonance…

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.

Romans 8:16 (KJV)


Resonance is one of the words that make up my spiritual theme for 2021. It joins Harmony, and the short sentence, Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…  Each is framed in an 11” x 14” frame in my home office. 

Today, I’d like to unpack the word Resonance.

I Googled the definition and liked this one best:  the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating .[i]  Resonance is also a scientific term, which honestly, I don’t understand.

An explanation I heard several years ago that truly ‘resonated’ was that when a piano is tuned perfectly, every piano string representing a particular note will vibrate. For example, when Middle C is struck, every other C string on the piano will quiver or resonate.

Over the past several years spiritual resonance has become important to me. When I sense a certain pulsating in my spirit, I’ve learned to pay attention. Although not the only way, resonance is one way in which I believe the Holy Spirit connects with my human spirit. Spiritual resonance is always a positive confirmation—a sense that my spirit is in tune with the Divine spirit.

While not an everyday occurrence, it has happened enough times that I have learned to trust it. A couple of recent incidents brought resonance to mind.

First, a young woman I had met invited me to coffee. In our initial discussion, we realized we were in fact opposites in personalities and spiritual perspectives. Nevertheless, we liked one another and enjoyed a rich conversation. The woman is obviously excellent at the work she does.

“What is your WHY?” the perceptive woman asked. WHY are you doing what you are doing in your business? I rattled off my purpose statement and mentioned core values. “No, that’s not your WHY?,” she said, pointing to a word I’d used earlier and which she jotted down in her notebook. Immediately, I felt resonation. “That’s IT!,” I exclaimed. Her astute insight not only made sense, but I knew it was the WHY? God wanted me to delve into.

Resonance comes from many sources I’ve learned.

A few days later, I was visiting with a young mom. She and her husband have recently adopted a daughter to join their biological daughter who is two years older. The mom mentioned that in her prayers, she felt keenly the Lord was urging her to homeschool both daughters for a season.

I am neither an opponent nor proponent of homeschooling. When this mama mentioned her decision, however, I felt that pulsating deep within me. Her words resonated. At some point, I will share my experience as an encouragement to her.

So, what is your experience with Resonance? I’d love to hear from you.

Blessings as we learn to listen on your journeys…



Learning the Unforced Rhythms of Grace…


Just Because You Are Who You Are…