Just Because You Are Who You Are…


Happy Thursday, Listening on the Journey… Readers and Fellow Sojourners, 

Today is my birthday. When you’ve taken as many trips around the sun as I, birthdays aren’t such a big deal, but nonetheless, they remain important points to stop and reflect as we move forward on this road called LIFE. 

Words are important to me.  A few weeks ago, I received an unexpected gift of words, which I want to share with you. As a bonus, today I’d like to re-gift you with this same present.   

Even though I wanted to be helpful, I didn’t want to intrude and was expressing that sentiment to a friend who responded, “You are not intruding. I want you here just because you are who you are!”

Those words stuck like silly putty tossed against a wall. 

After a few days, I asked myself a good spiritual direction question: “What is it about these words that impacted your soul so significantly?”  

First, I realized the words were life giving, like the writer of Proverbs described: 

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.

 (Proverbs 25:11 NKJV)

Next, at the core of my being, I have come to comprehend—after many years of seeking—that God feels this way about me. In sweet moments of spiritual intimacy, I’ve felt the Spirit assuring, “I want you; I love you, just because you are who you are.”


Finally, in a moment of personal clarity, I realized it is ME who does not necessarily want me just because I am who I am. Oftentimes,

I want a refined version of me. 

I want a me who’s more like ____________________. 

I want a me who performs better than I do in certain situations. 

I want a me who doesn’t speak before she thinks. 

I want a me who isn’t irritable or judgmental.

I want a me who’s more _________________.

I want a me who’s less_____________.

Oh, my, the list could go on and on. Do you relate? (I’m imagining many heads moving up and down right now.) 

Does being content with myself just because I am who I am mean working toward self-improvement isn’t necessary, perhaps a waste of time and effort? 

Absolutely not. 

I believe God is always wanting to partner with us in refining our character, restoring us into our intended, non-polluted design. This is a reason to partner with the Divine Spirit to attain self-awareness which leads into greater God-awareness. 

The spiritual journey of becoming is a process—always a process. 

The gift of words I want to give you today are these: 

Like the lovely flowers in this post, you are valuable, wanted, and loved

Just because you are who you are!


Blessings on your journey…


Recognize Resonance…


Taking Time to Remember…