Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation

Sweet Fragrance



But thank God! … Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God.

(2 Corinthians 2:14-15)


I was chatting with our granddaughter who was visiting during a college break. Swaying back and forth in our family room rocking chair, she commented pensively, “Your house always smells the same.” Laughing, I replied, “I hope that’s not a bad thing!” “No, no, it’s nice. It’s familiar,” she assured me.

A couple weeks later, I was communicating via e-mail with a niece. Like my granddaughter, she is a thoughtful young woman and shared this reflection, “Some of my earliest memories with our extended family are holidays at your home. I still remember how your house smelled.” Perhaps anticipating her aunt’s insecurity, she added, “(Good, I promise 😊)”

Smell is a powerful sense. Scientific research reveals olfactory memories elicit even stronger emotional responses than visual memories. Fragrant memories from my childhood include Dad’s Old Spice aftershave lotion as well as arriving home from school on a winter’s day to the savory fragrance of a big pot of beef stew simmering on the kitchen stove.

The Apostle Paul, in describing his missionary work, uses a spiritual analogy of smell, thanking God for using him to “spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere like a sweet perfume.”

Special memories in my life also include both men and women who, like Paul, spread the “fragrance of Jesus.” They exuded sweet scents of kindness, compassion, encouragement, grace, and mercy. I am so thankful God brought these people into my life.

It warms my heart to hear from loved ones that pleasant smells coming from our house bring back special memories. How much greater, however, is my desire to be the “fragrance of Jesus” to those whose lives intersect with mine.



I confess I do not often consider the lingering fragrance my presence will leave.

Help me become the perfume of Jesus with sweet smelling:

Kind rather than abrasive or sarcastic words,

Compassionate rather than self-centered deeds,

Help me dispense:

Encouragement rather than criticism,

Grace rather than judgment,

Gentleness rather than harshness.


Reflection Question(s):

What memory has left the lingering fragrance of “sweet perfume” to you? How can you this day be a “Christ-like fragrance” in your words or deeds?

Blessings on your meditations this Monday!


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