Lent – When Sadness and Brightness Mingle
February in North Idaho often resembles Lent’s Season of “Bright Sadness.” On this February day when my husband and brother took a little photo getaway, the icy barrenness of winter mingled with bright blue skies and what Ron described as “almost blinding sunlight.”
In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, Lent is often called the Season of Bright Sadness, a term attributed to St. Ephrem of Syria, a 4th Century Eastern Orthodox religious leader.
The paradoxical imagery of “bright sadness” captures my imagination. It reminds me of my friend’s description of the season she walked with her beloved husband as he struggled after receiving a terminal cancer diagnosis. She described the “exquisite, sacred grief” experienced during the difficult time when she was helpless to do anything other than pray, care, and love.
The term “bright sadness” also reminds me of the most sacred day I experienced during our Israel tour several years ago as well as my most meaning-filled day during a pilgrimage to Spain. On both occasions I awakened, feeling exhausted and my body filled with lots of pain and discomfort. I recall being filled with sadness because physically, I felt lousy, and emotionally, I was disappointed, assuming I was going to miss out and not be able to fully embrace the day’s amazing opportunities. Instead, both days turned out to be filled with deeply meaningful spiritual encounters, which even years later, fill my soul with brightness.
Lent is a time for reflection, examination, and confession. As I do that, some of my remembrances fill me with regret and sadness.
The Easter story begins with Lent and culminates with Resurrection Sunday. The entire season reminds me I need not wallow in the sadness of regrets and mistakes because of what Jesus completed on the cross. The solemnity of Lent isn’t all there is to the story. Jesus’ brutal suffering on the cross isn’t the end.
No! Easter speaks of new life and new beginnings. The story of Easter brings big, bold brightness just when we need it throughout all seasons of life!
Blessings to you as you journey through the Lenten Season of Bright Sadness!