
While I appreciate the availability of other options, I like to cast my vote on the designated voting day. This year, that falls on Tuesday, November 8th.   

Tomorrow morning, weather permitting, Ron and I will walk a few blocks to St. Pius Church and cast our votes. We’ll proudly wear our little “I Voted” stickers until they fall off our jackets in a few days.

Many years ago, I decided not to discuss the way I vote with anyone other than my husband. Usually, we agree. Occasionally, we agree to disagree. Both positions, I believe, are a privilege for which I never want to take lightly.

Today’s post is not intended to make any type of political statement. I only want to express the deep, deep gratitude I feel for the right and the freedom you and I have been given to cast our votes in accordance with our consciences.

Blessings as you cast your vote!


