I am Grateful for Prayers to the God of Mercy, Grace, and Kindness

Recently, I asked a friend how she was doing, and she said she was kind of on the edge. Her follow-up reply, “I’ll be okay” let me know she probably didn’t want to discuss her “edginess” further.

I’ve felt that way more than once. Perhaps you have as well.

     As I prayed for my friend and thought about those times when I have felt likewise, this prayer emerged. If you are feeling kind of “on edge” today, I hope these words will resonate in your soul: 

God of Mercy, Grace, and Kindness,

I am feeling a little on edge today.

When I feel anxious, thank you for the incomprehensible peace only YOU can give. I don’t understand how it works, but I have experienced it and know it is real.

When I feel fearful, give me the courage only YOU can give, and remind me that the spirit of fear does not come from you.

If there is a different choice that would be beneficial for me to make, show me as only YOU can and give me the strength to choose your way.

Above all else, remind me of the depth, the width, and the height of your love for me and for all those I love. Help me never lose sight of the extravagant, unconditional love only YOU can give.

Guide me through this day on paths that enable me to do what is most important:

loving you totally and completely,

loving myself soberly and insightfully,

so that in turn I can love my neighbors selflessly and unreservedly.

Only YOU can give me the desire and show me how to live out this love.

I am so grateful that YOU will never let go of me, that YOU will never give up on me.


Blessings on your day!


NOVEMBER GRATITUDE: When Perseverance Pays Off

