Whole Soul Blessing

Today is the national holiday known as Labor Day, which celebrates working men and women in the United States. In this Listening on the Journey … blog post, I want to pass on a blessing I wrote especially for you, my reader friends, which includes a vocational blessing (line 3**).

May your WHOLE SOUL prosper!

May you be blessed physically with good health, strength, and rejuvenating rest.

May you be blessed intellectually with knowledge, wisdom, clarity, and creativity.

** May you be blessed vocationally, able to grasp skills quickly, work diligently, and receive favor of co-workers and supervisors.

May you be blessed relationally with meaningful friendships, rich family love, and supportive neighbors.

May you be blessed emotionally, gaining self-awareness, constructing healthy boundaries, and discovering discernment to guard your heart.

May you be blessed spiritually, experiencing the incomprehensible love, kindness, forgiveness, and peace of God along with the inspiring encouragement of a caring faith community.


Blessings on your journey,


Love is What the World Needs


A Thought About Transformation