Present to “The Present” of God’s Love

“For God so loved the world that He gave [the present of] His one and only son …”

(John 3:16)

During this Christmas season, I’ve given a good deal of thought to presents. I have shopped for presents, wrapped presents, placed presents underneath the Christmas tree, and unwrapped presents.

I love to receive and give presents! Either giving or being the recipient of that “just right” item or experience brings a great deal of joy.

Words often feel like presents to me, and since I am a lover of words, I have even thought about the word “present” during this Advent season. “Present” is a homonym (a word that is spelled the same but has different meanings and can be used in different ways.)  My musings included thoughts like: Love is a present (prez.ənt) I can choose to present (prɪˈzent) to God and others.

My life has been filled with many wonderful presents, but Jesus, born as Immanuel at Christmastime, is undoubtedly the greatest present I’ve ever received, and I believe sharing his love is the greatest present I can ever present to others.

During a four-day contemplative prayer retreat while on a pilgrimage to Spain in 2018, the Jesuit priest—speaking with a lovely, lilting Spanish accent—invited our group to be “present to The Presence,” words which found lodging in my soul. Today’s thoughts are undoubtedly built upon that experience, which seems to be the way we tend to be formed spiritually and learn to reflect more and more of God’s love.  


God, thank You for loving the world so generously.

Jesus, thank you for leaving Heaven and coming into this world as Immanuel so willingly.

Holy Spirit, thank you for continuing to lead us day after ordinary day so graciously.

As we near the conclusion of this Advent season, I want to present you with the present of my imperfect but growing love.

Make my soul sensitive always to remain present to Your Presence.

Please keep showing me how to love You more and ways in which I can present that love to others accurately and authentically.


Blessings to you and all you love on these remaining days of Advent and 2023! 




Advent: A Liturgical Celebration Leads to Greater Love