Strasbourg, France – An Enchanting Medieval City

While planning our European adventure, we visited with several people who had  already “been there; done that.” In conversation with my brother and sister-in-law who  have traveled extensively, we decided to visit their “must-see,” Strasbourg, France, a  medieval city which sits on the border of Germany and France. We even stayed in the  same bed and breakfast Linda and Steve recommended. 

I love connections, and Strasbourg held another for us since it is the capital city  of the Alsace region from which my husband’s great grandparents immigrated. Ron  spoke with a lifelong resident of the region who was familiar with family undoubtedly  related to him in some way.

Storks, symbols of Alsace, represent happiness, faithfulness, fertility, and good luck!

As we exited our train, a protest march passed by. French unions were protesting government decisions related to pensions. Marches in some regions grew violent, but  the one we encountered was peaceful--and loud! I have never joined in any type of  protest, but I appreciate the freedom to peacefully protest. 

As protestors moved past the train station, we entered the city, and immediately  saw this magnificent structure. Following are photos from the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de-Strasbourg, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture.

Lots of shops with colorful wares line the streets of Strasbourg. This sweet salesperson,  eager to pose for one of Ron’s photos, invited us to visit the upper level of her shop  which sells local linens and giftware.

Strasbourg, along the Rhine River, is lovely by day.

The city is also stunning at night.

Ready to leave Strasbourg on the Eurail, an efficient way to get around in Europe,  heading to our final European destination, Paris, France, where we’ll celebrate our 44th wedding anniversary in “The City of Love.” 

Wherever life takes you today, blessings on your journey,  


“Big” Word Helps Me Pray a “Big” Prayer


 Sunday on the Rhine River