“Small Things” Exist Because of God’s Love

Julian of Norwich lived a simple, solitary, religious life in 14th Century England. She loved Jesus deeply and intimately and wrote about him prolifically. I recently learned Julian was the first published female author in England. For me, a 21st century female, Jesus-loving writer, I find this bit of knowledge quite impressive!

The past few weeks have been full! A couple days ago, I was mentally chastising myself for not having written this week’s blogs when I recalled something Julian of Norwich immortalized in these words:

Our Lord showed me a little thing,

The size of a hazelnut, on the

Palm of my hand, round like a ball.

I looked at it thoughtfully and wondered,

“What is this?”

And then the answer came,

“It is all that is made.”

I marveled that it continued to exist and did not disintegrate.

It was so small.

And again, my mind supplied the answer,

“It exists, both now and forever, because God loves it.”

In short, everything owes its existence to the love of God.

In this “little thing” I saw three truths.

The first is that God made it,

The second is that God loves it,

And the third is that God sustains it.

-       Julian of Norwich – Revelations of Divine Love 

            The words of Julian reminded me that often it is the “little things” that add depth of meaning to my existence. Today’s photos are from our July 3rd celebration at Sunup Bay. (Except for one from Rome!)  Our early Independence Day celebration was filled with small moments reminding me such events exist because God loves me, my family, friends, and nation. Every lighthearted chuckle, casual conversation, as well as some deep, substantial exchanges owed their existence to the love of God.

            In these things, I recognize the three truths Julian of Norwich wrote of more than 700 years ago.

First, God made it.

God made my grandson with his missing two front teeth. Reeve was sporting a bruised cheek from sliding on his face into first base during an impromptu lakeside baseball game.

God made the very breath we breathe that enabled our granddaughter, Emmi, and her friend to blow bubbles into the warm summer air.

Second, God loves it!

God loves children—His children at every phase of their journeys. Who cannot love the cuteness of a chubby-cheeked two-year-old like little Everly? But God loves just as much these kids’ hard-working parents and aging grandparents. Each parade onlooker, young and old, bears the Imago Dei and is loved by God.

Lastly, God will sustain it.

Even though many are discouraged, even appalled, by some of the situations occurring in our nation, God has sustained the U. S. A. for over 200 years.

As we saw during our recent visit in Rome, God has sustained this ancient city through many generations.

While watching brilliant fireworks explode in the nighttime sky, we saw on the horizon (notice on left side) a beautiful full moon arising over the lake.

A couple days ago, I wondered if this post would ever materialize, but thanks to a little Divine nudge reminding me of Julian, I am ready to close and would like to do so with these words from Psalm 113.

You who serve God, praise God!
    Just to speak his name is praise!
Just to remember God is a blessing—
    now and tomorrow and always.
From east to west, from dawn to dusk,
    keep lifting all your praises to God!
(Psalm 113:1-3 MSG)

Blessings on your journey,


Roma, ItalyThe Two-and-one-half-Thousand-Year-Old “Eternal City”


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