Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation
Coffee and Scripture—sacred ordinary steps—part of my morning routine.
Pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.
(1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 GNT)
According to the Liturgical Calendar, today is the last Monday of “Ordinary Time,” before the season of Lent begins on Valentine’s Day, February 14th.
An important dimension of spiritual formation was understanding ordinary, everyday activities are significant. Realizing my day after day routines, activities, and chores can have spiritual significance was a game changer. I even named mundane tasks such as my morning personal care routines; prepping meals and straightening the house; touching base with my husband or other family members; casual conversations with a neighbor; or wrapping a birthday gift. I began calling these ordinary sacred steps.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but the seed for this understanding was probably planted several years ago when my kids were young. I read an article written by a mom who talked about the “spiritual discipline” of picking up dirty socks or wet towels from the floor.
She explained how these once irritating chores had become a blessing. For instance, that damp towel her husband carelessly tossed onto the bathroom floor after his morning shower. As she picked up and hung the towel, she prayed for her husband, asking God to bless his day. She thanked God for a husband who worked hard and cared enough about personal appearance to shower daily.
Dirty socks on her son’s floor or pajamas stuffed under her daughter’s bed rather than placed in the hamper became opportunities to pray for her children’s school day, their teachers, and friends. Rather than resorting to nagging, she asked God for wisdom to know how to instill good habits in her kids. She even took this opportunity to pray for her children’s someday-spouses.
I tried this woman’s technique, and it made a huge difference! Many years later, the Spirit keeps showing me additional areas where I can apply the same principle.
I confess that so often I allow daily inconveniences rob me of the peace I believe you want me to enjoy.
Please give me insight to recognize soul-draining patterns of behavior.
Give me a heart willing to pause and consider how I can turn that behavior into a soul-nurturing action step of faith.
I’m going to need your wisdom and your patience to change, so
Thank You in advance!
Reflection Question:
After asking for Divine guidance and sitting in silence for a minute or two, ask: What is one ordinary step I can choose to take today that pleases God, blesses others, and contributes to greater peace and joy in my spirit?
Blessings on your meditations this Monday!