Love: Life-Giving Fruit of the Spirit…

Deborah Gill, Ph.D., professor of theology and founder of the Sherpa Spiritual Direction program in which I am being trained, said, “Since the original Greek of the NT identifies the ‘fruit’ of the Spirit as singular, along with many scholars, I interpret the Spirit’s fruit as love (the primary characteristic of Christ, and of God) – love in its multiple affective manifestations.” [i]

Recently, I came across this explanation of the Fruit of the Spirit[ii] on Instagram, which supports Dr. Gill’s teaching. In case you haven’t seen this, I want to pass it on to you today.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love …

Joy is love rejoicing.

        Peace is love at rest.

               Patience is love waiting.

                       Kindness is love interacting.

                         Goodness is love initiating.

                                       Faithfulness is love keeping its word.

                                               Gentleness is love empathizing.

                                                     Self-control is love resisting temptation.[iii]

            In a world where it often feels like love is in short supply, these words challenge and encourage me to pray for an ever-increasing manifestation of LOVE, expressed through joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control! 

Blessings on your journey of LOVE!

[1] Manual: Certificate in Spiritual Direction Training Program; Sherpa: Guidance for the Spiritual Climb, Program Learning Outcomes, p.6 [1] Galatians 5:22-23 [1] nickygumbel #ThoughtfortheDay #BibleinOneYear, Instagram Post 9/20/2021


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