Joy Will Come…

Those who sow in tears

Shall reap in joy.

Psalm 126:5

Last Advent season my soul still stung from the pain of my mother’s passing in September. Even though Mom lived a full life, and I was glad she no longer suffered or needed to worry about future uncertainties, my emotions of peace and pain hadn’t quite mingled fully.

This Advent season, two dear friends and several acquaintances are navigating the season for the first time without the presence of their husbands. The sadness of loss is excruciating.

Another friend is going through an unwanted, painful, probable divorce. How can we make sure our kids have Christmas when our family’s night is so dark? My friend questions without an answer.

Other friends are dealing with uncertainty surrounding careers and ministries.

Another friend expressed dread, anticipating dysfunctional drama that frequently accompanies their family’s holiday celebrations.

Yet another is not only experiencing some of the above but was diagnosed with Covid despite being fully vaccinated. My friend wonders, “What next?”.

This third week of Advent, in which JOY is highlighted, without a doubt, many are traveling through difficult days, not seeing much light in their circumstances.

Rich Villodas, in a recent Advent reflection, prompts readers:

Advent reminds us that no matter how dark it gets, the light has come, and the light is coming. So be of good cheer! The darkness you feel today will not have the last word.

His wise insight reminds me of the psalmist’s assurance to those he knew were hurting,

… weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Before the angels announced the birth of Jesus to a band of bedraggled shepherds, the people of Israel were living in an environment of deep darkness.

I love what this contemporary poet and novelist said of that season,

It gets darker and darker and darker, and THEN JESUS IS BORN. [emphasis mine]

Wendell Berry

If you are plodding through a period of darkness, I offer this prayer for you:

Lord Jesus Christ, Light of the World,

Thank you for bringing

Hope into despair.

Peace into confusion.

Joy into sadness.

Light into days of deepest darkness.

During this sacred Advent season, please take hold of my hand and

Lead me deeper and deeper into your love.


May your hearts and homes be filled with Joy…

[1] Rich Villodas (Pastor, New Life Church, Queens, NY), Advent reflection, Instagram 12/2/2021

[1] Psalm 30:5 KJV



Advent - Week Four LOVE


Advent - Week Three JOY