I Will Keep on Believing

It is often with a heavy heart I watch the evening news. Sadness and disgust frequently create an ache in the pit of my belly. Questions rushed through my mind:

Why must this happen?

What brings humanity to this place?

Is it even possible the world can find healing?

How can I make a difference?

Faith is essential to keep on believing when questions go unanswered, hopes are destroyed, and dreams are shattered.

I think the writer of Hebrews answers the question “What is faith?” best.

To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1 GNT)

Jeremy Camp expressed the essence of his faith following the death of his young wife in these lyrics, “Even though I cannot see, I still believe.” [i]

With faith, my hope for a brighter, more peaceful future holds fast. With certainty, I still believe God sees what I cannot see; God knows what I do not know.

I will keep on believing God hears the pleas of people who, with humble hearts, cry out for grace, mercy, justice, and peace.

I will keep on believing God is willing to search the human heart and show us how to live out God-honoring, Christ-like attributes.

          I will keep on believing God is good!

Despite questions with no easy answers, violence, destruction, and injustice, I resolve to dig in my heels of faith, trust God’s love above all else, and keep on believing.


God Who Knows,

You hold the key that unlocks the answer to my deepest questions.

You are the light that can show me what lies deeply within my heart.

Teach me to know what I do not now know.

Please, heal hurting souls in this land I love.

Help all who struggle to believe.


Blessings on your journey of believing …


Cooking Up Encouragement


Prayers to Help Me “Become”…