Italians – A Vibrant People

I’m a “word” person. Often, I search for a “just right” word. This is what I tried to do one day after we returned home from our four-week European adventure.  How, I  challenged myself, would you describe Italy in one word? The word I landed on was VIBRANT, defined as being full of energy and enthusiasm.

            We spent two weeks in Italy, and there was so much I loved about this boot-shaped peninsula nation. In previous posts, I described the five days we spent in Rome and the Vatican. Today, we’ll move on.

From Rome, we boarded a train and traveled to Assisi, a town of approximately 26,000 located in the hill-town region of Umbria. Umbria is the only landlocked region in Italy. In addition to being very hilly, it is a lush, green agricultural area, famous for producing olive oil and wine.

I hope you have enjoyed a little glimpse of the vibrant city of Assisi, Italy,


I Lit a Candle and Prayed


Visiting a Vibrant Italian City