I Didn’t See THAT Coming …

I beg of You, my God, let me know You and love You so that I may be happy in You. And though I cannot do this fully in this life, yet let me improve from day to day till I may do so to the full. Let me know You more and more in this life, that I may know You perfectly in heaven.

St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD)

Sometimes, life unfolds in unexpected ways! Seems like we’re traveling right along when suddenly, the unforeseen happens!

     Take for instances one week ago.

My schedule on Monday, February 20th was chock-full. Around 6 p.m., the third meeting of the day, a two-hour Zoom gathering, finished. I was hungry and looking forward to heating up the takeout Ron picked up earlier from our favorite Asian restaurant.

     “Honey, I’m done, and I’m hungry!” I said, looking for my husband. As I entered our bedroom, I heard Ron from the bathroom say, “DON’T freak out, Sue!” He was standing over the sink, blood gushing from his battered face and swollen nose.

Unbeknown to me, my husband left while I was on the Zoom call to run a quick errand. It was cold and windy, and Ron’s steps were hurried. He failed to see the curb, and face-planted on the hard, cold concrete.

     The bleeding wouldn’t stop, and my stoic husband didn’t argue when I told him I was taking him to the ER. Six and one-half hours later, I drove home alone while Ron was admitted to the hospital. Despite several different treatments—some extremely painful—the kind ER doctor couldn’t get the bleeding stopped. An ENT specialist needed to check him out for possible surgery.

     Within a few hours, life changed! Our planned getaway to Southern California next week wasn’t going to happen. No way would Ron be permitted to fly.

As I write these words, my poor husband feels miserably, but slowly, he is recovering at home. We are grateful that surgery wasn’t required. Wonderful neighbors shoveled the snow from our walks and driveway. Many of the little things Ron does automatically, I have been trying to get done. My generally gracious husband has at times been grumpy, and I understand! Managing pain is exhausting!

During this ordeal, I have been reminded more than once of my theme word for 2023 “RECEIVE.”  Sometimes, what I receive in life is not what I would choose! This realization draws me to my theme Scripture for 2023, Philippians 4:8 & 9 from The Message:

Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.

            Ron’s accident has not been pleasant. Truthfully, it’s been right down inconvenient. As I’ve practiced, however, the spiritual discipline, of reframing the disagreeable thoughts and inconvenient circumstances on to “the best and not the worst,” “the beautiful and not ugly,” “things to paise and not curse,” I have experienced the kind of peace the Apostle Paul describes a couple verses earlier in Philippians 4—peace that transcends human understanding.

            Our journeys of faith will not always lead to what we assume is the ideal destination at the just-right time. A question I have often asked myself throughout the years when I’ve been intentional about spiritual formation is, “Where the rubber of my faith meets the road of my life, what does this look like?”

            I’ve been writing these words while waiting on hold to talk to a representative about our travel plans. I don’t enjoy waiting, and the repetitious soundtrack is annoying, but I do not feel the familiar anxiety that tends to grip me during stressful times. I have been asking God for grace, mercy, and beneficial outcomes as I attempt to discover adjustments, and I have also been praying for patience and joy despite disappointing or unpleasant outcomes.

The gentle, still small voice of the Spirit within reminds me to express gratitude for the practical help, concerned calls and texts, and especially prayers we have received from family, friends, neighbors, medical workers, and our faith community since Ron’s accident.   

Sometimes, we discover unexpected blessings even when we don’t see “THAT” coming!

Thank you, God, for your generous love, grace, and mercy, which I need so often!


Lent Prayer for Strength and Guidance


A Time for Reflection and Repentance