Considering the Great and the Small….

A few autumns ago, my husband and I spent a couple hours strolling through Finch Arboretum in Spokane, Washington. During un rushed minutes that crisp fall day, I gazed, enthralled by a sweet ladybug traveling around a brilliant gold leaf.

I beckoned Ron to come take its picture. The tiny creature cooperated as Ron coaxed her to the center of the leaf and snapped away. Later, as I viewed the photo, a quote from Mother Teresa came to my remembrance:

Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.

Feels like the past few weeks my world has been filled with an avalanche of great things—many over which I have little or no control.

Great things in my life last week ran the gamut from watching political predicaments on the national front to dealing with plumbing problems on the home front. Plus, a plethora of other ‘stuff’ in between!

Perhaps your week was similar.

Today, I have no great insights or wisdom to share. Only a simple reminder.

Our great God loves you, me, and all those we love greatly.

My prayer for each of us during the coming week is that we will choose to look for small things we can do with great love.

Who knows what an avalanche of those small things done with great love might accomplish? 


Considering the Great and the Small…..


How Did We Get Here?