Help When I Feel Anxious

Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

 (Philippians 4:6 & 7 MSG)

I wrote this post Thursday, February 24th. The first thing my husband said to me that morning was, “Putin has declared war.” While not surprised, sadness overwhelmed my heart.

After Ron left for work, I kept watching television, hearing the same depressing, dire words, seeing the same heartbreaking photos illustrating the havoc humankind’s inhumanity can create.

Before I was aware, thoughts drifted to the land of “what if’s ….” Frustration bubbled up as I listened to pundits’ and politicians’ “should haves ...” and “could haves ….” My chest muscles tightened as fear’s grip took hold.


The still small voice’s whisper was rather forceful that morning.


The faithful Spirit of a loving God transported me back to a time several years ago when anxiety almost got the best of me. It was during that time I began using Philippians 4:6 & 7 as my prayer model during times of distress.

The Apostle Paul was in prison when he wrote a letter to his friends in Philippi.  “Be anxious for nothing.” the translation I used at the time began. Paul’s further instructions provided a framework I use to pray during stressful situations.

  • Be anxious for nothing.

  • Make your request(s) known to God.

  • Do this with thanksgiving.

  • Then comes the best part! The peace of God, which is real even though my human logic doesn’t understand will quiet down my thoughts and emotions as I choose trust in Jesus over worry.

So, this morning, I turned off the television. After quieting my soul with a few deep breaths and minutes of silence, my spoken prayer went something like this:

Okay, God, your Word tells me to be “anxious for nothing,” but you and I both know I feel very anxious about this situation.

Here are my requests:

[Note: I considered giving you my requests, but I would like you to make this your prayer if you find the model helpful.]

Now, Lord, thank you for:

[Your own thanksgivings.]

Finally, God, please help me experience Divine peace even though I may not understand where it comes from nor can describe how it feels.

In Jesus’ name,


Note:  If you would like a copy of the outline for this prayer model, which I developed and have given to many people, please email me at, and I will send you a printable copy. 

May you be blessed with God’s incomprehensible peace,


Lent Focus #1


Love is a Mystery