Discovery We are Works in Progress

I tend not to be a saver. I generally prefer tossing or giving away “stuff” I no longer use or “love” at least 70 percent.

Thus, not surprisingly, a few years ago, I decided to shred a boatload of personal reflection and prayer journals. I knew God didn’t need my reminders, and I decided my kids and grandkids—most who seem even less sentimental than I—didn’t need to feel guilty someday about not wading through all the musings of my heart before recycling the paper on which they were written.

Now that I’ve explained, you will understand when I say I don’t remember the exact date—but perhaps as many as twenty years ago—I recall sitting one early morning with journal in hand, writing a prayer that God would allow me to write a book, something I’d desired to do since grade school. As I wrote, four words followed by a punctuation mark entered my mind, and I wrote them in my journal: “Listening on the Journey …”

Would that be the title of my book? I wondered.

Since that early morning, I have thought of life in terms of a journey followed by an ellipsis. The punctuation mark of three dots (. . .) suggests there is more to be said. The ellipsis reminds me that I am a work in progress as are you, and our earthly journeys will continue until we draw our last breath. I suspect they will continue even after that but cannot guess what that will look like and try not to speculate too much.

While I still have not written my book, for more than seven years, I have written blog posts about journey listening. During those years, I have done a lot of listening to the “still small voice” of God’s Spirit, to the many “voices” imbedded in my personal story, as well as to the myriad of “voices” in others’ stories.

In my listening, I have become convinced that:

  • unconditional love, goodness, and grace are embodied in God’s very character;

  • Jesus’ words, “I am the way, the truth and the life …” are accurate and relevant;

  • the mysterious but real work of the Holy Spirit is ongoing;

  • I can have full confidence that when God begins a good work in our lives, it will be carried on to “full completion” (Philippians 1:6);

  • because God’s love is perfect, God’s Spirit will keep leading me onto right paths (Psalm 23:3) as I keep my gaze firmly focused on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2).

I agree with Dr. Caroline Leaf, communication pathologist and clinical neuroscientist. A fellow Christ follower who shares my deep belief in the power of faith to “renew the mind” like the Apostle Paul suggests in Romans 12, Dr. Leaf wrote:

“You are allowed to outgrow situations, friends, people, places, and even a version of yourself. This doesn’t mean you failed or made a mistake.”

In other words, we are all “works in progress,” physically, emotionally, relationally, intellectually, and spiritually.

I may not be able to understand what God’s “full completion” looks like. I may not agree fully with your perspective. I certainly don’t expect you to always agree with mine. (Even my husband, who is my best friend and the human I know loves me best, doesn’t always agree!) Nevertheless, I believe we can keep growing in confidence of God’s will and ways—for one another, for those we love, and for ourselves.

Thank you for continuing to join me as we keep Listening on the Journey...


Taking Time to Remember…


Sue’s Monday Morning Meditation