Discovery We are Works in Progress
Serene scene in South Carolina Park
May the God of Surprises be with you, awakening you to the gifts already in you, giving you a sense of eagerness and anticipation about your life, opening you to unimagined blessings and the deepest wisdom of your being. May God startle you with infinite love and presence so that you look for sudden joy in all you do. May the God of Surprises bless you. --Maxine Shonk, OP
The other day, I received this blessing in my email inbox from a group of Benedictine sisters in Grand Rapids, Michigan ( It made my heart smile because my favorite prayer for many years has been simply, “Surprise me, God!”
That wasn’t always the case, though. I recall years earlier, while in my 20’s, I experienced a critical crisis of faith following two life-altering traumas that occurred within less than five years. Nothing meshed with my comprehension of God in those days. It was a terribly tough time!
Finally, plunged into a dark depression, I was convinced I needed professional help. In desperation one night, I searched the telephone directory yellow pages, and the next day called the first “Christian” counselor whose name I had located.
In retrospect, this is not the way I would recommend locating a therapist, but I am convinced a merciful, loving God led me to that number. The counselor I worked with for several months helped me enormously.
In one session, I was able to articulate a nebulous terror that often kept me from falling asleep or awakened me in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. The kind, compassionate, and logical therapist assured me my fears were unfounded and not consistent with the character of a loving God.
You may have guessed that during those dark days, I never would have prayed, “Surprise me, God!”
Today, it’s a very easy prayer because since that difficult season, I have experienced repeatedly the faithful and loving hand of a gracious God. I’ve been surprised to learn God knows me more intimately than I know myself. God accepts me despite my many flaws and failures. God cares about every detail of my life and spiritual formation.
I have even been surprised to learn God’s discipline is always administered in a way my heart comprehends and tailor made to encourage and not crush my unique design and sensitive spirit.
Today, I often ask God to surprise a person for whom I am praying, but I always add: “with the good gifts which are so consistent with your good character!”
My prayer for you today is that you will be surprised by a good God who awakens and gives good gifts!
Thank you for continuing to join me as we keep Listening on the Journey...