Discovery Savor Precious Moments!
He Cleansed My Soul!
Precious Moments were on my mind once again last Saturday. I had just sent my web manager, Stephen, the June 17th Monday Morning Meditation in which I discussed a favorite Precious Moments story.
That Saturday morn was gray and rainy. My husband was away for a few hours. Feeling more reflective than ambitious, I managed to wrap up a few loose ends and write some encouraging notes.
I guess the combination of these factors triggered thoughts of yet another favorite Precious Moments story.
This story again involves a “precious” daughter on a shopping trip with Dad to buy Mom a gift. This time, the daughter was Sarah, and the gift was for my birthday. When my younger daughter spied a certain Precious Moments, she insisted they purchase it.
The cherubic porcelain figurine was a little girl, reclining in a bubble bath, reading The Bible. Sarah had often seen her all-grown-up mom doing her devotional Bible reading while in the bathtub, and in her mind, this was the perfect present.
Since about the age of ten, I have absolutely loved taking long, luxurious, hot bubble baths. One of my favorite things to do during a bath is read. Many books on the bookcase in my office, including several Bibles, have wrinkled pages and smudged underlining from steam and wet fingers.
So, on this dreary, yet quite cozy Saturday morning, I decided what I needed to do was take a bath. Nowadays, my baths not only include bubbles, but Epson Salts scented with essential oils to help soothe annoying body aches. While I do sometimes still read in the tub, more often, I listen to audiobooks, including online scripture.
Looking forward to the lazy weekend morning indulgence, I responded to a text from my friend in Alexandria, Virginia. Sharon was on her way home after teaching a Bible study in Annapolis, Maryland, something she’s been doing for many years. She reported the study went well, but she was exhausted after a restless night’s sleep due to concerns about a stressful transition. I told my friend I was just about ready to sink into a nice warm bubble bath and listen to a favorite author, David Brooks, narrate his latest excellent book, “How to Know a Person.”
I suggested my friend might consider doing that when she returned home, and she agreed it sounded like a great idea. Signing off on our messaging, I wrote, “Perhaps, sometimes, the most spiritual thing we can do is take a bath!”
While I don’t think there is anything in The Bible to confirm that premise, I do know the Gospels include several instances when Jesus withdrew to be alone with his friends or more importantly, with his Heavenly Father.
I have several friends who prefer an efficient shower. Other friends can no longer take baths due to mobility or medical reasons. I realize that could one day become my reality, but until then, I will relish every “precious moment” in the bathtub!
Blessings on your journey, whether savoring a sweet memory, teaching a class, driving in busy freeway traffic, navigating a stressful life transition, or simply sinking into a nice warm bubble bath!
Thanks, Ron, for letting me share your thoughts and photos and for being a man who often radiates the love of Jesus!
Sarah and her “precious” family. Love them all so much!