Discovery Running a Good Race – Part 1 June 27, 2024
During two separate weekends in the past few weeks, I have been reminded that life—all of life—is like running a race. In today’s post, I’ll share thoughts from the first weekend and will do the second weekend in a couple weeks.
On Sunday, May 26th, Memorial Day weekend, we celebrated our second granddaughter, who traveled from California to run a half-marathon in Coeur d’Alene.
All set to run, sporting her number and wearing a warm jacket. Our California girl wasn’t ready to encounter the early-morning chilly temps!
And the race begins!
Mackenzie is a great young woman. She truly loves her job as a middle school teacher in a lower socio-economic district in California. Spending one-on-one time with Mackenzie, drinking coffee together, and hearing ways in which she intentionally tries to encourage her students, warmed my grandma-heart. (I’m convinced loving and teaching middle school students must be a “calling.”)
Posing with another hard worker!
Monday, Memorial Day, Ron and I went to the cemetery to honor the memories of both of my parents. These words are engraved on my father’s headstone,
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
(2 Timothy 4:7)
My parents’ gravesites.
Jubilantly crossing the Finish Line! I think Kenzie looks pretty darn good upon finishing the 13.1 miles run!
Dad’s life race included living through the Great Depression and surviving WW II where he served as a paratrooper. He was a committed husband for almost sixty years, worked hard, built a business, and provided well for his four children. Dad held his faith commitment at arm’s length for several years, but shortly after my 18th birthday, he determined he would pursue Jesus, which I saw him do with authenticity and integrity until his death at age 83.
Within the pages of the Bible are several different passages that use the metaphor of “running” or “race” to describe the spiritual journey.
Perhaps one of the most well-known verses is inscribed on Dad’s gravestone. The Apostle Paul, following his dramatic conversion, persisted in preaching the message of Jesus. Along the way, he faced many, many obstacles and perils (See Paul’s story beginning in Acts, Chapter 9) Now, his ministry was concluding, and he writes to his beloved spiritual son, saying in essence, “I’ve hung in there, Timothy. I’ve done the best I knew how to do, and now my earthly race is almost over.”
Proud Grandma and Grandpa cheered her on! I can only imagine the heavenly cheers greeting my parents upon their arrival!
Blessings on your journey, wherever you are in the race you are running,