Finding God in Nature
In today’s post once again, I focus on our God who is both INFINITE and INTIMATE.
Part of my recent discovery has included wading through a textbook about Christian Spirituality, most recently a chapter entitled “The God of Christian Spirituality,” which focuses on spirituality rooted in the belief God is self-existent, personal, and Trinitarian. Upon that foundation, studying the variety of perspectives has been fascinating.
Over the years, I have observed different ways in which people not only believe in but connect with and feel loved by God. One way is nature.
My husband Ron, for instance, discovers God’s majesty in nighttime skies. Ron loves to wander about, camera in hand, during the night, seeking to capture wonders in the heavens. With the psalmist, he sees,
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 36:5
I do not connect with God in this way. I prefer hunkering down in a warm bed at night rather than stumbling around in the cold, dark outdoors. There’s no doubt a starry night is a magnificent wonder, but I have a difficult time picking out constellations and have never felt fascinated with the field of Astronomy.
A recent photo from one of Ron’s nighttime excursions. While he needed to point out the North Star and Orion to me, perhaps you will be able to see them.
Curious about this topic of spiritual connection, the other day, I inquired of my physical therapist, also a soul friend, what aspect of nature caused him to feel closest to God. Without hesitation, he said, “When I’m in the mountains.” This psalmist’s declaration undoubtedly resonates with him:
I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?
(Psalm 121:1)
As a little girl living in Montana, an affordable family day trip was to the stupendous Glacier National Park in the Rocky Mountains. My dad seemed fearless driving the formidable Going-to-the-Sun mountainous highway. Those outings may have been the nexus of my fear of heights! While I know mountains are magnificent, I prefer to “ooh” and “aah” from a distance.
Where does my soul connect with God in nature? Like my physical therapist, the answer comes without delay. Since my first encounter when I was 18 years old, I have felt an awe-filled connection to the ocean. Everything about it speaks of God.
I am comforted by the sea’s predictability. I feel assurance the tide will always come in even as it always goes out, which speaks of God’s never-changing character. While walking barefoot on the seashore, I love to pick up and examine even the tiniest shell, reminded God cares about each seemingly insignificant creature and even the smallest detail of its existence.
I love ocean sounds. Whenever we vacation near to it, I insist on keeping a window or door open at night so I can be comforted by its “swooshy” voice. I even like the changing moods of the sea, reminding me God the Creator has emotions, and since humans are created in the very image of God—possessing the Imago Dei—my changing emotions matter.
I found it interesting to DISCOVER the word “sea” in scripture is often used as a metaphor to describe humanity. This makes sense to me since I am a “people person.” I love to study topics regarding human behavior, such as spiritual formation, and I honor the unique God design of individuals.
So, what part of nature leads you to connecting with God?
What pieces of your personal story lead to this connection?
What characteristics of God speak to you?
How might these insights lead to greater awareness and possibly build bridges of understanding with others who perceive or connect with God differently?
Blessings as we consider these worthwhile questions,